A Guide to Tabular Reporting

Text Reporting

in Microsoft® Office Project

by Ismet Kocaman

An eBook for the users of all standalone desktop editions/versions


Released on August 12th, 2021


Available to purchase in pdf format

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What is in the eBook ?


Reporting capabilities of MS Project’s standalone desktop editions/versions have been greatly improved by the introduction of the graphical reports, starting from MS Project Standard/Professional 2013. The text reports feature supported by the earlier versions was discontinued by the introduction of this new reporting tool. Thus, MS Project 2010 is the last version of the product that includes the text reports. In this eBook, you will find all the information that you need in order to develop tabular reports in all versions and also to create views, visual reports and graphical reports that present the project information in tabular format in later versions so as to deliver the same or similar content as the text reports. This eBook will also show you how to produce new project data in MS Excel, by performing calculations on the data exported from MS Project by using either the Visual Reports or the field mapping feature.



In text reports, you can filter, sort and group the values in the table fields in order to interpret the project data so as to understand the project status and to see the variances from the planned values. While these text reports may show you the current status of the project and then they may help you with revising the project plan to take corrective actions accordingly, you need some graphs and charts that show you how the actual values in the timephased-table versions of these fields change against the planned ones over time or how they trend such that you can interpret how the project has been progressing so far and somehow forecast how its progress could be in future periods for taking preventive actions when necessary. So, you need Graphical Reports that plot the timephased data of these fields over the time periods in order to see the trend and also to visually compare them with each other. These graphs may also help you to identify where to focus on the table data that the text report contain. See some articles on the Graphical Reports here.




Who should read ?


Professionals, who currently run MS Project 2010, and therefore, who want to gain a good understanding of this feature, and at the same time, who are currently considering or already planning/undergoing a transition to a later version of the product supporting the graphical reports feature may benefit from the content presented in the eBook. Although the later versions of the product no longer support the text reports feature, tabular reporting, that is, processing and then presenting project data in flat or crosstab tables, is an important part of project reporting, and therefore, users of all stand-alone desktop editions/versions may find this eBook useful as a reference on reporting the project data in tabular format by making use of the features that MS Project offers.   


This eBook assumes that you are currently using MS Project in planning and managing projects and you are already familiar with views, tables, filters, groups and sorting as well as all the reporting features available in the desktop edition/version of the product used. It is also assumed that you are familiar with handling MS Project formulas and working with the PivotTables in MS Excel.


Other Details on the eBook


The content of the eBook complies with the standalone desktop editions/versions, MS Project 2010 through 2019. The eBook contains 358 pages, including the cover pages, and the contents and index sections. There is no printed version of this eBook. The mpp files for the eBook are not available to purchase. A link to download a text file containing the codes listed in the eBook will be provided along with the eBook during the purchasing process.


The Contents and Introduction sections of the eBook are available here to review. Also click the links below to see the screenshots from some of the table/crosstab reports developed in the eBook:

Cash Flow Report (a date-range applied OLAP-based PivotTable (a reusable template) that shows the cost values in two currencies)

Percent Allocation and Overallocation Report (a conditional-formatting applied OLAP-based PivotTable (a reusable template) that shows under- and over-allocations along with the number of hours overallocated)

Task Starting Next Week Report (a preview of the customized usage view)

Project Summary Report (a graphical report that shows the data calculated by the custom field formulas)

Graphical reports that show task timephased work data, task and assignment notes (VBA subroutines) and cost rates (VBA subroutines)

Any topic on planning, scheduling and managing projects with MS Project, any conceptual topics on project reporting and any project reporting implementations on specific areas that require focusing on the techniques and/or analyzing the report content rather than MS Project's reporting features are outside the scope of this eBook.


The details on the electronic book format of the eBook are as follows:


  • Page size of the eBook is 8.5 x 11 inches (the paper size Letter).  

  • eBook is in pdf format and no other electronic format of the eBook is available.

  • eBook can be viewed by any pdf viewer.



BONUS Material - Free Download


See the details here. Note that it is not included as a supplement to your purchase, but instead, presented as a bonus to the pdf eBook. This is the download link.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Users of this material are expected to have basic skills to view and run custom macros and adjust security settings to enable the macros in MS Project desktop, versions 2013 and later. MS Project 2007/2010 users do not need these macros since they can utilize the Text Reports feature for viewing and printing calendars. On the other hand, these macros can be easily modified for outputting to the Immediate Window or a text file. See the version that outputs only to the Immediate Window here.




How to Buy the eBook

Important Note to Purchasers - All sales are final. The purchase of this eBook is not refundable and no returns are accepted for this eBook. Therefore, review the sample content thoroughly on your computer system and make sure that both the content and the format suit your needs before attempting to buy the eBook.


Click the ordering button below if you want to purchase the eBook (Price: US$19.99). You will receive an email with the download link as soon as you complete your purchase.



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